Is it time to move out of our home?
Many factors enter into any consideration of moving from one's own home in the community and into any sort of senior housing. One the positive side, living in one's own home offers such pleasurable freedoms as decorating and arranging one's own surroundings, and setting one's schedule according to one's individual tastes, in privacy and personal authority. It also entails serious responsibilities, including home maintenance, financial management, dealing with neighbors, businesses, and governmental authorities. One has full responsiblity for one's own personal wellbeing, including nutrition, health, and safety.
Adults generally do not relinquish independent living unless compelled by failing health. Wise people are, above all, realistic. Good judgment requires an objective view of one's ability to fulfill the obligations of independent living. To the extent that one lacks the strength, mobility, endurance, or mental ability to care for oneself at home, the wise person will "make a new plan." They will modify their living arrangments to create a good fit between their abilities and their environment. For more details, see "Senior Housing: Retirement, Assisted Living, Nursing Homes."
Adults generally do not relinquish independent living unless compelled by failing health. Wise people are, above all, realistic. Good judgment requires an objective view of one's ability to fulfill the obligations of independent living. To the extent that one lacks the strength, mobility, endurance, or mental ability to care for oneself at home, the wise person will "make a new plan." They will modify their living arrangments to create a good fit between their abilities and their environment. For more details, see "Senior Housing: Retirement, Assisted Living, Nursing Homes."