Midlife Crisis Depression
Myth: Most men and women in their forties and fifties experience a midlife crisis.
Fact: Midlife crisis psychology has shown that the “midlife crisis” only affects around 10% of the population.
For most adults, midlife, or middle age, is a period of personal growth, stability, insight, responsibility, maturity and acceptance. For a small percentage of people, it can be a time of confusion, apprehension, regret, and midlife crisis depression resulting in selfish, reckless, and hedonistic behavior.
• A midlife crisis is not normal!
• A midlife crisis is not healthy!
• Midlife crisis depression is not the end of the world!
And most importantly,
• A midlife crisis is not something you should deal with on your own!
If you are wondering how to deal with a midlife crisis, help is available!
Dr. Paul Chafetz is an expert in midlife crisis psychology. Dr. Chafetz works with clients to explore life history, personality, and life changes to custom tailor a plan to help his clients experience positive growth, stability, maturity and success. Dr. Chafetz will develop strategies for how to deal with midlife crisis.
Midlife doesn’t have to be a crisis. Call Dr. Chefetz at (469) 233-5566.
Fact: Midlife crisis psychology has shown that the “midlife crisis” only affects around 10% of the population.
For most adults, midlife, or middle age, is a period of personal growth, stability, insight, responsibility, maturity and acceptance. For a small percentage of people, it can be a time of confusion, apprehension, regret, and midlife crisis depression resulting in selfish, reckless, and hedonistic behavior.
• A midlife crisis is not normal!
• A midlife crisis is not healthy!
• Midlife crisis depression is not the end of the world!
And most importantly,
• A midlife crisis is not something you should deal with on your own!
If you are wondering how to deal with a midlife crisis, help is available!
Dr. Paul Chafetz is an expert in midlife crisis psychology. Dr. Chafetz works with clients to explore life history, personality, and life changes to custom tailor a plan to help his clients experience positive growth, stability, maturity and success. Dr. Chafetz will develop strategies for how to deal with midlife crisis.
Midlife doesn’t have to be a crisis. Call Dr. Chefetz at (469) 233-5566.